Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Special Olympics of MA Polar Plunge (2/23/13)

Over 900 people registered to participate in the Polar Plunge
Here are some pictures from the Special Olympics of MA Polar Plunge that took place at Revere Beach on February 23, 2013. I had the opportunity to volunteer at this well known charity event. Over 900 people registered to take the plunge, and it was fun to be part of history! In the past 14 years, the Special Olympics of MA Polar Plunge has raised over $2.8 million.   My assignments for the day were to meet and greet plungers and help them get registered. Once they were registered, some of the participants entered the costume contest. I also was the celebrity judge for the costume contest. I was honored to judge such a spectacular event, and I chose "Batman Bride" as the costume contest winner!

"Batman Bride" wins the costume contest 
Team Cheetah won the costume contest last year, and they came back very strong this year!!!

I found the tooth fairy!
Judging the costume contest 
This was a wonderful day and will definitely go in the books as a memorable appearance. I never thought I would get to witness such a large crowd of people, in swimsuits and bikinis, jump into the freezing cold waters in the middle of the winter. However, it was all for such a worthy cause. Maybe, if they made a water proof crown, I would consider jumping in too. I'll work on that!

Interviewing with a reporter from Boston University

Another highlight of the day was meeting a school teacher who took the plunge. His students sponsored him to plunge. He successfully agreed to their challenge and not only plunged, but continued to swim the backstroke in the freezing ocean waters. His students came to cheer him on, and they were very proud of all his success. I'm very glad to have met him and been a part of his plunging experience. I was honored that he wanted to take a picture with me! He is truly a great role model!

This is the history teacher who took the plunge. He was sponsored by his students who were there to cheer him on!

Zinga! Frozen Yogurt-Kenmore Square (2/22/13)

I had a such a wonderful time at Zinga! Frozen Yogurt - Kenmore Square. What a "cool" first appearance! Miss Boston, Morgan Berg, and I stopped by to sample different flavors and toppings (My new favorite flavor is Birthday Cake). I cannot thank Zinga! enough for being such a fantastic sponsor to the Miss Boston Organization. Morgan and I also got to help raise awareness for Autism Speaks U Boston University.  I'll be visiting Zinga! again very soon. -Carrie

(Pictured above: Morgan and I arrive at Zinga! We are so excited to sample the different types of frozen yogurt.)

(Pictured right: Morgan and I posing with students from Autism Speaks U Boston University. Zinga! hosted a fundraiser where 15% of all proceeds went to fund future Autism Speaks events at BU.)

 (Picture Left: Step 1-Fill up your cup with multiple types of frozen yogurt!)

 (Pictured Right: Step 2-Make sure to add lots of fruit toppings to make your frozen yogurt extra sweet!)
(Picture Left: Step 3-Decide whether you want to add another topping? Maybe some peanut butter?)

(Pictured Right: Step 4-Admire your beautiful frozen yogurt, and don't forget to pose for a picture!)

(Picture Left: Step 5-Enjoy your frozen yogurt. It's time to eat!)

Miss Boston and Miss Cambridge 2013 Pageant

The Miss Boston and Miss Cambridge pageant, sponsored by the Miss Boston Organization, took place on February 10th, 2013 at the Park Plaza Hotel. 16 young women took the stage competing in on-stage question, swimsuit, talent, and evening gown. Private interviews had also taken place earlier in the day. However, only two ladies could walk away with the crown. I was so fortunate to be one of the ladies crowned on pageant night. I was crowned Miss Cambridge 2013!

I am so honored to have the opportunity to represent Cambridge, MA. I will be making appearances, promoting my personal platform (Lend A Helping Hand: Promoting Volunteerism in the Community), and preparing for the Miss Massachusetts (America) Pageant in June.

Please follow my journey through this blog. I will be keeping everyone updated through blog posts after I make an appearance or attend a event. This is going to be such a life changing experience, and I would love to share my insights with all of you.

To catch everyone up, here are some pictures from pageant night!

(All pageant photos are courtesy of Peter Rufo Photography:

Opening number and onstage question 

Swimsuit competition 


Evening gown 

Crowning moment 

                                                          First walk as Miss Cambridge 2013

After the pageant was over Miss Boston, Morgan Berg, and I were treated to an official after party for the new titleholders. I couldn't believe that I was going to an after party celebrating the conclusion of the pageant and our win. This was already an unreal experience, and I was so excited to be able to get to know the new Miss Boston and the wonderful Miss Boston board. These are the phenomenal people that I get to work with over the next year!

Posing with our Bad Boy Bake Shop Cupcakes!

  Introducing myself to the Miss Boston board and taking a picture with the beautiful Miss Boston!

After pageant night concluded I went home feeling so overwhelmed with excitement. I knew all my hard work had paid off, and that I was so ready to put 110% into my new job, being Miss Cambridge.

(Here is my first official Facebook post as Miss Cambridge) 

Hi Everyone,

Carrie speaking! I can't believe it's almost been a week since I have been crowned. I finally have had a moment to reflect on my pageant experience. The Miss Boston Organization put on the most wonderfully run pageant! Thank you to everyone involved including, the judges, all other volunteers, sponsors, contestants, MA local titleholders, Miss Massachusetts MAO, and the Boston Park Plaza for helping make this event possible and extremely successful.

I can't thank the MBO board enough for all their hard work and dedication. I am so honored to be surrounded and backed by such supportive and talented people. Thank you for all you have done and are continuing to do to make my year successful. Miss Boston, Morgan Berg and I are going to have a spectacular year.

To follow my journey and preparation for Miss MA, please like my Facebook page (Miss Cambridge Scholarship Organization) and Twitter (@CambridgeMAO). Also if you are interested in having me make an appearance visit the Miss Boston website (

Lastly, please make sure to look out for me. I'm always going to be out and about in the Cambridge community!

-Carrie Sunde
Miss Cambridge 2013

**Lastly, I have to note that the Miss Boston and Miss Cambridge Pageant took place after a huge blizzard hit Boston. I will always remember traveling to the pageant in over three feet of snow. February 10th was truly an unforgettable day, and I'm sure this is just foreshadowing what is to come of my eventful adventure and reign as Miss Cambridge 2013!**