Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Special Olympics of MA Polar Plunge (2/23/13)

Over 900 people registered to participate in the Polar Plunge
Here are some pictures from the Special Olympics of MA Polar Plunge that took place at Revere Beach on February 23, 2013. I had the opportunity to volunteer at this well known charity event. Over 900 people registered to take the plunge, and it was fun to be part of history! In the past 14 years, the Special Olympics of MA Polar Plunge has raised over $2.8 million.   My assignments for the day were to meet and greet plungers and help them get registered. Once they were registered, some of the participants entered the costume contest. I also was the celebrity judge for the costume contest. I was honored to judge such a spectacular event, and I chose "Batman Bride" as the costume contest winner!

"Batman Bride" wins the costume contest 
Team Cheetah won the costume contest last year, and they came back very strong this year!!!

I found the tooth fairy!
Judging the costume contest 
This was a wonderful day and will definitely go in the books as a memorable appearance. I never thought I would get to witness such a large crowd of people, in swimsuits and bikinis, jump into the freezing cold waters in the middle of the winter. However, it was all for such a worthy cause. Maybe, if they made a water proof crown, I would consider jumping in too. I'll work on that!

Interviewing with a reporter from Boston University

Another highlight of the day was meeting a school teacher who took the plunge. His students sponsored him to plunge. He successfully agreed to their challenge and not only plunged, but continued to swim the backstroke in the freezing ocean waters. His students came to cheer him on, and they were very proud of all his success. I'm very glad to have met him and been a part of his plunging experience. I was honored that he wanted to take a picture with me! He is truly a great role model!

This is the history teacher who took the plunge. He was sponsored by his students who were there to cheer him on!

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